Tantra for Yoni owners

Tantra is a beautiful and practical spiritual approach that honours the divine in all aspects of life, including sexuality. Tantric bodywork is a deeply relaxing and nurturing full body devotional massage, which brings your mind, body, and emotions into harmony. Through conscious loving touch, the tantric bodywork ritual opens you to FEEL and LOVE more, accessing deeper expanded levels of pleasure and passion in your body, relationships, and daily life.


Devotional Tantric Bodywork & Yoni Honouring:

The Yoni (or Vagina) is the Portal to the Divine… the Golden Gates of the Feminine.  
It is the doorway to unlocking your creativity and inspiration. Experience a full bodied “YES” to coming home to your body as your divine temple and reconnect to your pleasure and your power. Yoni honouring is a space of deep honouring, welcoming you in all the fullness of your expression. A space where you can allow yourself to simply BE, without having to feel or act in a certain way.

On a physical level, the bodywork awakens the tissues and sensitivity of the yoni, and opens the possibility to feel more. On an energetic level, we store many of our traumas in our yoni. Yoni honouring helps release energy, emotions, memories and traumas, that are stored in the yoni, in a safe and loving space of holding and honouring. The pain we are holding in our yonis might be our own, but can also be from our ancestors or the collective feminine. Thus by doing this work, we don’t only work through our own wounding, we contribute to the healing of our lineage and beyond.

Access to the fullness and expansion of feminine sexuality goes through deep opening and surrender. We don’t open and surrender on command, it’s a process. In this space we create the conditions for you to feel safe, safe to feel and safe to be guided within. You will have the experience your body is ready for, it can be powerful emotional release, ecstatic pleasure, deeply restorative and resourcing, and anything in between. We invite you to approach this experience with openness and curiosity, without any goals, expectations or preconceived outcomes.


While Yoni honouring is both sensual and can reach very pleasurable states, the intention is not to orgasm but to awaken the awareness of your own sexuality and deepening feminine essence. The more your body and yoni open, the more you become aware of your full feminine and divine potential, as you can blossom and radiate the totality of your fragrance, letting go of shame, fears, and traumas.

Your heart will be honoured with loving presence, and your body treated to a soothing and re-energising experience within your boundaries and consent.

*Initial session includes a pre-bodywork consult and tantra education which takes 30-45min. Longer sessions allow for adaptation of coaching, counselling, and healing and can incorporate breath-work, refining sensitivity, cultivating awareness of energy, meditation, and heart connection.

To request more information about your session contact us.

Devotional Tantric Bodywork & Yoni Honouring Prices (inc. GST):

Bookings with Stephanie

  • 3 hours $800 (initial session)

  • 2.5 hours $750 (follow-up)

  • 2 hours $700 (excludes yoni honouring)

Bookings with Ashleigh

  • 3 hours $650 (initial session)

  • 2.5 hours $600 (follow-up)

  • 2 hours $550 (excludes yoni honouring)

We would love to know…

We are currently putting some feelers into the community to see whether there any Women who would like to receive Devotional Yoni Honouring from a Male Practitioner trained in the Devotional Tantric Bodywork Method® and personally Mentored by Devotional Bodywork Founder, Steph.

Please let us know if this feels like an offering you would be interested in!


Devotional Womb Cocoon

Womb Massage & Fertility Therapy

This gentle and nourishing feminine bodywork drops you into the consciousness of your creation portal, connecting you deeply to the wisdom on your womb space.

Womb therapy is beneficial for:

Fertility and conception, libido and sexual blockages, menstrual issues (pain, irregular cycles, PCOS, endometriosis), peri and post menopause symptoms and transition, lower back pain, digestive issues, ancestral and lineage healing, self love and birthing ideas into form.

The sacred womb massage ritual supports the womb to come into alignment and receive nourishment/ life force, de-armouring and releasing tension stored deep in the pelvis, sacrum, diaphragm, psoas, and digestive organs.

The womb and its connective ligaments are massaged through the pelvic bowl (there is no internal or genital massage) and the body is wrapped in traditional Mexican Rebozo as you drift into the dreamscape of your creation portal, becoming renewed with space for deep cellular integration, before you re-emerge in radiance like a butterfly from a cocoon.

This is a beautiful feminine bodywork offering, however not tantric massage.

Devotional Womb Therapy with Steph

2 hour womb massage ritual $380.00