What is Devotional Bodywork™?
A temple space dedicated to self-care, nurturance and pleasure. A place for embodiment, reconnecting with the infinite potential in your body and harnessing the beauty and vital essence of your sensuality. Devotional Bodywork™ is not about healing, fixing or changing you, rather surrendering to the innate wisdom of your body, and receiving yourSelf through presence and loving touch.
Devotional Bodywork™ is worship of the body through the senses.
Devotional Bodywork™ is a unique somatic modality meticulously developed over a decade of hands-on practice by our founder, Stephanie. This approach brings the body back to its natural state, and is exclusively available within our Brisbane studios and offered only by our trained and certified practitioners.
Devotional Bodywork is an eco friendly business, using all natural products to minimise our environmental impact, as well as prioritising hygiene in all areas.
Both our Paddington and Fortitude Valley studios maintain an exceptional level of client safety and aftercare.
All of our services are discrete and confidential.
Meet our highly skilled practitioners
Devotional Bodywork® Founder
In my mid-twenties, I discovered the incredible world of Bodywork, and little did I know how much it would transform my life! It became the cornerstone of my personal healing, and spiritual, journey towards landing more and more of my spirit in my body-temple.
In my early thirties, I found the missing piece in my puzzle of self discovery - Tantra! Hungry to soak up this ancient wisdom which resonated in every cell of my body, I traveled around the world learning, receiving transmissions, and mentoring with teachers I highly respect. Tantra became a part of me, a way of life, that continues to awaken more of my heart and guide my becoming.
Why Bodywork?
Exploring the realm of professional bodywork was, for me, the key to overcoming several chronic physical and mental health challenges, including childhood sexual abuse. Through receiving bodywork, and my own personal embodiment practices, I discovered the power and sacredness of my sensuality and sexuality, one of life’s most profound gifts.
Before fully transitioning into professional bodywork, I spent a decade working as a Psychologist in both public health and private practice, specialising in somatic therapy for mental health disorders. But it was through my training in Psychosomatic Therapy, that my true calling emerged when I discovered my gift in working hands-on with the body. My personal tantric practices naturally assimilated into my professional bodywork practice as, I discovered, there is no separation. I found myself supporting individuals through a trauma informed approach to the body and integrating sexuality into the human system as a whole, which back then was quite radical and taboo.
My life’s love, as long as I can remember, has been in Devotion to the Body. Fascinated, marvelled, and in awe at the intelligence of the human body, and even moreso, the technology of the genitals. I feel humbled and privileged to be in service to bodies in this way.
I specialise in effectively treating Erectile Dysfunction and Premature Ejaculation, and the outcomes I attain with clients are a testament to my mastery. I love supporting women to Receive, Reawaken Pleasure and Remember the Eros that they are! I feel deeply honoured holding space for couples to explore and Play in the innocence of Sacred Intimacy.. my heart explodes with love over and over during these sessions.
I have been utterly awed by the transformations I've witnessed through Devotional Tantric Bodywork®. The impact it has on people's lives is nothing short of life-changing. And that fuels my mission to see more devotional, integral, and safe practitioners offering this beautiful healing art-form in our communities.
If you're seeking a safe space to heal, explore, and embrace your body and sexuality, you're in the right place!
Devotional Bodywork® Practitioner
In 2015 I walked into the world of Tantra when I signed up to a women's sacred dance class. What I thought would be a great way to make friends and hopefully learn to love my body a little more, ended up being the start of my soul path.
For 6 weeks we danced our bodies open to the ecstasy of being truly alive. And thus began an insatiable hunger to journey deeper, feel wider and mine as much beauty, grace and wisdom as I could from this messy and exquisite life.
Since then I have trained, practiced and studied with various respected Teachers and Schools within the fields of Embodiment, Sacred Sexuality, Tantra, Trauma Resolution and Dance Movement Therapy. I am devoted in both a personal and professional sense to meeting and experiencing as much of life as I can in this body.
Creating spaces for others to know this soul touching intimacy is at once my deepest honour, pleasure and privilege.
Why bodywork?
For the longest time I desired to work with people in a way that would reveal the deepest parts of their humanness. Where the most precious, raw, ecstatic and vulnerable in people could be expressed and met with love and presence.
Without knowing exactly HOW, I knew the way IN was through the body. So with a background in dance, I deepened in somatics, dance therapy and qualified in movement methods designed to illuminate what was hidden.
Yet despite having all of these tools. I still felt something was missing. There had to be a more direct path into the depths of the human experience.
Then as fate would have it, in the most divinely orchestrated series of events I could never have planned if I tried, I found Devotional Bodywork.
A space where everything that intrigues and inspires me most in life is cherished in a stunningly intimate, highly therapeutic and beautifully unique way of working with the human spirit as a whole.
Devotional Bodywork is the most effective, integrated and grace-filled path into the essence of a person I know. What can be discovered, liberated, shed and cultivated through this very intentional journey, leaves me (and many of my clients!) in a state of wonderment.
I intend to help you know the bliss of being a connected and embodied human being. Realising that all the pleasure, aliveness and power you seek is already within, waiting to be discovered.
I hope for you to see and cherish your body as a sacred vessel for the full spectrum of experience. Feeling the inherent love and wisdom that is at the centre of ALL emotion and sensation… even the ones that don't feel good.
I desire for you to recognise you always have and always will be the source of your deepest power and fulfilment. And all the ways we get told to outsource our pleasure and power hold far less significance when you are connected to your body and ecstatic current.
I wish for you to feel safe releasing the past and allowing vitality to emerge within. Feeling life-force dance through your body, expanding your mind and offering endless inspiration.
I hope that you sense the subtle and vulnerable holds just as much power as the loud and strong. And the emphasis we place on getting to the end, is stripping us of the sublime depth and intimacy within the journey.
I invite you to rest into meditative states of surrender and truly relax into the experience of receiving. Letting your mind fall away as you exist in the space beyond thought, where there’s nothing but spacious, rejuvenating stillness.
All that is meaningful to me and all that I wish to share with you is encased within this sacred body of work.
It is my deepest honour to welcome you and journey together into the endless treasures of really knowing and inhabiting your whole self.