Tantra is a practical and spiritual approach that honours the divine in all aspects of life, including sexuality.

Tantric Bodywork is a deeply relaxing and nurturing full body massage which brings your mind, body, and emotions into harmony.

Through conscious loving touch, the tantric bodywork ritual opens you to FEEL and LOVE more, as you access deeper expanded levels of pleasure and passion in your body, relationships and daily life.


Couples Tantric Bodywork Experience (4.5 hours)

Our Couples Tantric Bodywork Experience is a 4.5 hour PRIVATE Tantric immersion which includes connecting and honouring rituals and learning to give and receive tantric massage from your partner.

This is a space for you and your partner to each receive a tantric bodywork session, being sacred witness to each other's experience and be guided in giving each other Devotional Yoni and Lingam honouring.

It's a very beautiful experience and transmission of sacred intimacy.  

“You made us so comfortable and it all felt natural. We were so nervous coming in, soon you helped us became calm and connected. Thank you for leading us and sharing this beautiful experience with us. For us, this was an amazing sexual experience in our relationship and we feel blessed to have you apart of it.

- (G&J) Couples Session with Stephanie

“Both of us learned new ways to provide pleasure to each other in ways we never thought possible. We learned practical skills on reconnecting as a couple.
Our experience far exceeded our expectation and a big thank you to Nat who guided us through our journey which I can only hope is start for us as a couple.”

- Couples session with Nat

Orgasmic Intimacy Weekend Workshop

Unleash Your Primal Passion

A journey back to the primal essence of love, sensuality, and ecstasy that resides within each of us.

Are you ready to unlock the secrets of Soul deep connection, electrifying passion, and Orgasmic Intimacy with your partner?

In today's fast-paced world, it's easy for couples to lose the passionate connection that once brought you together. With work commitments, family responsibilities, and the distractions of modern life, intimacy often takes a backseat, leaving couples feeling disconnected and yearning for more.

At Devotional Bodywork, we believe that every couple deserves a life of passionate love and wild intimacy that touches you to the core of your Being! This is why we’re excited to bring to you this exclusive workshop for couples: 

Awaken the primal fire within you and your partner in this electrifying weekend immersion. 

Tantric Date Nights Online

Turn up the heat in YOUR bedroom this Winter 2024!

  • Are you and your partner longing for deeper connection?

  • Are you looking for a fun and interactive way to spice up your date nights?

  • Do you want to explore new ways to communicate and connect with your partner?

If you answered "yes" to any of these questions… We have something exciting to share with you!

 Devotional Bodywork brings you monthly Orgasmic Intimacy Date Night

Coming soon…

Couples Tantra Retreat

Register your interest to receive more information as it becomes available…